Life drawing

Life drawing

There is absolutely nothing like drawing from life, and luckily the Gutman Gallery offers 2.5 hour sessions once a month.  

The first session I went to, I felt a bit rocky. I brought a ton of supplies and got spellbound by what to use before each pose. Also, I wasn't sure how to approach the size of my sketchbook, so I just took up the whole page with one drawing. In hindsight this made me more hectic and scrambly, trying to hold my sketchbook, draw big and fast, and balance a million supplies in my lap. 

Figure drawing session 1: 

I love that last drawing and the impression it made on the opposite page!

Figure drawing session 2:

I slowed way down and focused on different parts of the model. If something wasn't going great, I just moved over and started again. I like this approach, you end up with a cool collagey page. I also pared down materials. 

Figure drawing session 3:

This was a fun session, I really loved drawing her face. She had some fun poses, too.
I was literally laughing out loud at myself with some of these drawings - god foreshortening is hard! :) But that's what I love about these sessions - trying to be immediate, not taking myself too seriously, laughing at the silly stuff, but also appreciating when I get a gesture just right. It's fun people!

Comments (1)

  • Meg on Feb 20, 2025

    Red shoes and lady with hands on knees 😘

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